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Erotic massage in the erotic massage salon Faraon

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Erotic massage in the erotic massage salon Faraon

The desire to relax and enjoy in various ways is absolutely natural for the nature of the human body. Experiencing pleasure and bliss, the nervous system rests, and the body gains strength. It is this impact on the emotional and physical state that produces erotic massage in Kiev salon “Secret Room”.
The desire to receive intimate pleasure is natural. In pursuit of pleasures and new sensations, many resort to the services of “night butterflies” or strippers. Erotic massage absorbed the charms of both ways of leisure and eliminated all the flaws of these entertainment.

Erotic massage is in great demand. This pleasant and useful procedure will not leave anyone indifferent, especially those who are ready for a new sensation and temptation. Remember that our body just needs caresses, surprises and new impressions! For those who want to experience new sensations, flavored with erotic overtones, it is worth trying an erotic massage. This is a real mystery in which a beautiful masseuse delivers to the client an extraterrestrial pleasure, working not only with hands and fingers, but with tongue and lips. No centimeter of the client’s body, no zone of his body will not remain unattended during a sensual massage Kiev.

Salon of erotic massage Faraon

To visit our salon of intimate massage, you need to call us and make an appointment for a certain time. We work around the clock, 24/7, so our customers have the opportunity to choose the time to visit, which is most convenient for them. In addition, we are working on leaving, so if you want, you can order erotic massage in Kiev at home. If you wish, you can order an erotic massage online.
Visitors to our salon are guaranteed complete confidentiality. Having come to us, you can be sure that no one will know about your visit. We do not have a video surveillance system. Our clients do not communicate with other visitors, they are seen only by masseuses who work in our institution. Working at us girls are not chatty and are able to store professional secrets. They never carry out information about our clients outside the limits of the massage salon, so you can not be afraid that one of your acquaintances will know about your visits to us. The administration of our salon strictly monitors this.

5 reasons to visit erotic massage salon Faraon

Splash out sublimated energy and update the inner forces with sensual erotic massage done by a good hand of skillful masters.

Each client receives very careful attention and can fully relax in a pleasant atmosphere of incredibly comfortable rooms. Our staff are educated and qualified, so you will be professionally treated and have very pleasant experience.

Beautiful and experienced girls anticipate your every need and bring you to the highest point of sexual euphoria again and again.

First of all, you’ll get an incredible relaxation, in which all the residents of such a large and noisy city as Kiev needs. A massage relieves the tension in muscles, so the whole body relaxation happens. You will feel reborn in just an hour.

For example, the erotic pleasure during a erotic massage helps in restoring of energetic channels. So you not only get the physical pleasure, but also you’ll have the emotional refreshment. This does not discount the benefits of massage treatments for health. Regular body workout improves blood circulation and is the best prevention of many diseases.

Erotic body massage Kiev is not only relaxing but extremely beneficial health wise!

We welcome all guests and inhabitants of Kiev to visit our Massage Salon.
Our Massagists are of the highest qualifications and specialize in erotic, body, Thai, intimate and many other types of massage.
In the recent times erotic massage has become a very popular hobby for both health and intimate relaxation.
Statistically 90% of our clients return again at least another time. If you come to our salon just once, chances are you will become one of our constant clients. This Fact shows that indeed our massage masters are on a superb level.
With the aid of erotic massage you will not only come to the full relax but also be rejuvenated health wise and psychologically.
Efficacy of our work has long been proven, Erotic Massage is a mix of pleasure and healthful benefits.

The Massage programs of our Salon do wonders for potency!
Do you want to receive an Ocean of pleasure?
Salon of erotic massage Faraon – Magic of pleasure in the heart of Kiev.

Erotic massage – a new step to the top of pleasure

Sometimes it is difficult to fully understand your feelings during an erotic massage, because they are harmoniously intertwined and full of relaxation, complete relaxation and at the same time of great excitement, sexual uprising, explosion, flood! Each touch of a qualified masseur distracts the client’s attention from the world of reality. This is a complete relaxation not only of the body, but also of the spirit.

Erotic massage Kiev should touch all stresses, depressions, enrich the psyche with only positive emotions and calm the nervous system. As the name suggests, massage procedures are performed by the naked body of a masseuse. For an hour you will be so absorbed in this exquisite pleasure that all extraneous concerns will not just go to the background, but be completely forgotten. After all, the warmest, brightest and loftiest sensations come just when your body comes into contact with the beautiful body of a masseuse. Erotic massage is both a science and an art, because it is built on the delivery of pleasure through soft massage procedures.

A warm and comfortable atmosphere of comfort, created by a divine tete-a-tete with a handsome beauty master, brings the desired effect of relaxation and appeasement, followed by a natural orgasm test.

In addition, the refined and subtle intimacy of the bodies will immerse you in a state of harmony that will continue for someone else for several hours, and for someone — and a day or two after visiting our salon of erotic massage Kiev. This service is designed to combine in one session all the best that can offer the art of massage. The classical part is the same massage that heals the body, relaxes the tense muscles and gives a feeling of unity with every part of your own body. Professional touches of masseuses will bring a healing effect and help dissolve in soft pleasant sensations. The second part of this session organically complements the classics with a bouquet of exquisite erotic impressions. Body massage will allow you to take advantage of the achieved state of harmony in the most pleasant way. This massage occurs when sliding and touching the naked body of a masseuse. As a result, all the senses in the ecstatic body are exacerbated, and there comes a sweet relaxation in the form of an orgasm. Like every erotic action in the salon of erotic massage, erotic massage begins with a classic work. Massage should relax the muscles of the client, relieve tension of the body. As a rule, this aspect of massage, the girl devotes 15-20 minutes, all the rest of the time is given only for pleasure. Affectionate, charming masseuse with a beautiful body establishes a more intimate contact with a man. In the east it is believed that at this moment the energy of a man and a woman is intertwined.

Erotic massage: secrets of the male body, and the secrets of female emotions.

Humanity is curious. Many of us feel that this very feature is probably the engine of progress, and it can be not only technical. Knowing yourself is important for both men and women, and such knowledge is a step towards excellence.
The ancient history of the Mediterranean and the Middle East is rich in testimonies about people, generally called “priests of pleasure”. Pleasures, most often, a person associated with divine cults. But only the “priests” themselves knew that the whole power of the blessings they give is the effect of applying the deepest knowledge and skill.

Erotic massage

Everyone has ever heard of getters, geisha, courtesans, odalisks, nymphs, etc. These words indicate a special category of women: “priestess of pleasures”. If you look at engravings and paintings, you will not find in them a particular beauty. What are they so attracted to? We will answer in one word: knowledge. They knew the secrets of human erotic nature, and knew how to apply them. And the basis of the rituals was erotic massage, which is not at all an ordinary prelude, and more on that later.
In a modern city (we’ll talk about Kiev) it’s easy to find erotic massage for men and women: newspapers are full of ads, the Internet calls to visit the best salons, and there are private offers. This suggests that the growth of technology and culture did not affect our feature in any way the search for “divine” sensations. Forget about superstitious fear, and take a look at erotic massage, as an art that opens the horizons of the “divine” for women and men.

Erotic massage for men is the skill of relieving stress, worries, anger and thirst to control. Each good salon in Kiev teaches its masseurs this particular skill in the first place. This does not mean that erotic massage consists only in relaxing the client, such is only his initial task. In a patriarchal society, even if a man is not subject to manifestations of aggression, he still bears its imprint. Therefore, erotic massage is important for men, as an excellent means of getting rid of the negative. The next task of the massage therapist is to activate the positive emotions of the client. This is not an achievement of the sensations of “divinity,” but only a hint of them. When the client relaxes, he allows himself to enjoy. Primary pleasure from erotic massage allows you to pay attention to the beauty of the performer, his grace in dance or vocal skills (there are erotic massage programs in the Japanese style accompanied by singing). At this moment of relaxation, the client begins to feel the effect of aphrodisiacs (stimulants), which are added to the oils during massage. We came close to considering the purpose of erotic massage discovery of “divine sensations.” It is important to understand that it is not difficult to make an erotic massage for a man, in view of the rather simply located erogenous centers. However, the achievement of “special sensations” depends on the intensity of the impact on these centers. Masters of erotic massage in our salon give men the opportunity to feel pleasure for hours without getting tired of it. Be careful: fatigue from improper erotic massage at home can lead to loss of interest. The mastery of “managing time”, when acting on the body, is the main secret of erotic massage for men.

Erotic massage for women is the secret of the sequence of touches. We are in the most interesting part of our article, because the female body is more mysterious than the male. Professionals know that the principles of erotic massage for men on the female body will not have the desired effect, but rather easily! To bring a woman to a state of “divine sensations” by acting on only one point on her body is practically unrealistic. It is important to enter the rhythm of her heartbeat and breathing, and the body itself will begin to pulsate at the point where the woman wants to touch. We want to say that the sensitivity of the female body during erotic massage is simply unlimited, and even if you practice it at home and not in the salon, a competent approach and attention will pay off with unimaginable bliss. For decades, scientists and practitioners have been arguing about which points on the body of women are more effective for the effect of erotic massage. Physiotherapists insist on the classic zones: groin, sacrum, chest, neck. Practitioners expand this list by adding: wrists, ankles, shoulder blades, feet, inner thigh, navel. And this is not a complete list. There is also the opinion of practicing massage therapists who work in salons. Studies conducted in Kiev showed that clients of metropolitan erotic massage parlors respond positively to exposure in the areas of the elbow and knee joints, eyes and temples. And only the literature of the Ancient East and India does not argue, but recommends: he who wants pleasures for a woman must know them himself. We are convinced that this wisdom can be translated as “knowing, you can share with others.” And to learn new things for yourself is ideal in our salon. But let’s continue.

During a session of erotic massage, professionals must use aphrodisiacs women easily feel the effects of various substances. We recommend trying essential oils: bergamot, neroli, ylang-ylang and roses. If the smells of bergamot and roses are widely known, then we will give the rest a couple of phrases. Neroli oil obtained from orange flowers (fleur d’orange) gives a delicate and romantic aroma, has a magnificent medieval history; he is liked by modest women, lovers of high and pure romance. Ylang-ylang oil is reminiscent of jasmine. It is made from the “flower of all colors” (Ylang-ylang) varieties of orchids, and intoxicates with a sweet aroma. In addition to the beneficial aromatherapy properties, these oils have extremely beneficial effects on the bodies of both women and men, rejuvenate the skin, stimulate the functioning of the glands, and under certain conditions help to fight against unwanted volumes. Finding aphrodisiacs in Kiev will not be difficult at your service pharmacies and specialty stores. Do not forget that even from essential oils, with improper dosages, allergic reactions are possible.

Therefore, to get the full effect of erotic massage, it is better to trust professionals. Come to our salon!

Свержение короля в бездну эротического настроения, бархатной страсти и эстетического удовольствия – вот что Вас ожидает, заказав VIP–услугу «В плену у жрицы». Роскошная слуга богини любви откроет Вам таинственный мир неимоверной страсти и нежности, Вы познаете силу безумства от чувственного наслаждения и эротического возбуждения. Вы потеряетесь от уверенных прикосновений опытной массажистки – ведь всего за одну встречу Ваше тело примет целебные действия от созвездия массажных процедур – классический, эротический, аквамассаж, элементы тайского массажа и ролевой игры. Виват королю! И шампанское в его честь! Такой приятный сюрприз с удовольствием преподнесет Вам понравившаяся девушка салона.

Каким же будет Ваше удивление, что робкая юность, девственная чистота выбранной Вами покорной рабы исчезает вместе с белоснежной тонкой туникой, едва прикрывавшее горячее тело. Она желает к Вам прикоснуться и подарить удовольствие от уникального комплексного массажа, разработанного специально для Вас.

Поистине королевское убранство комнаты, ароматная ванна, воздушная пена, благородство света от свеч, лирическая музыка и ее божественное тело. Только в салоне Вы не играете в короля – Вы и сам король! Но как справедливый монарх, что преклоняется пред величием жрицы и настоящей женщины, Вы без тени сомнения отдаетесь во власть женственности, раскованности, мудрости.

Вы желаете увидеть пылкий танец двух или нескольких девушек? Ваше желание тотчас исполниться – пригласите к ритуалу омовения и процедуре “эротический массаж” нескольких весталок – гибкие тела чутких античных дев дополнят эстетический экстаз.

Принять дерзкий вызов и оказаться у ног жрицы наслаждения? Что может быть сладостнее? Не отказывайте себе в удовольствии! Ваша жрица наслаждения увлечет за собой!

Что такое бенефис? Это потрясающий спектакль, который устраивается в честь одного из ведущих актеров театра как глубокое уважение его мастерству. В нашем салоне страсть – это талантливейшая актриса, не признающая и тени фальши. Она горячит Вашу кровь, возбуждает нервы и освобождает дикую энергию от оков привычной сдержанности.

Но именно Вы – самый талантливый режиссер театрального действия салона Фараон. Какое Ваше желание? Кто играет в Ваши дерзкие игры? Услужливая рабыня, раскованная женщина-вамп, шестнадцатилетняя девчонка с карамелькой на палочке. Они – замечательные актрисы, они – волшебницы эротического массажа, они открыты Вашим фантазиям. Или Вы желаете остаться в интимной атмосфере с примой? И Ваш чувственный дует – режиссер и актриса – а также благостное сочетание игры и массажных процедур позволит Вам раскрыть в себе новые грани Вашего сознания.

Сочетание классического массажа с эротическими элементами, флирт мягкого голоса и горячего дыхание девушки-массажистки, нежные прикосновение и остроумные реплики актрисы возбудят в Вас естественное желание быть созидателем в сексуальной игре. Берите инициативу в свои сильные мужские (или нежные женские, ведь это услуга универсальна!) руки и наполняйте игру своим театральным талантом. Режиссируйте и творите свой спектакль! И получайте удовольствие от акта созидания!

А когда Ваше творческое начало достигнет своего апогея, позвольте ему свершиться. Теплая расслабляющая ванная вернет Вас в реальный мир, но он уже будет наполнен Вашей сказкой, мистерия игры раскрасит будни яркими красками, а чувства наполнятся жизненной энергией.

Выберите свою актрису и расскажите о своей игре-мечте. Талантливые девушки салона помогут воплотить Вашу, даже самую невероятную, идею в жизнь.

Тайский эротический массаж – это удивительная система, освобождающая человеческий организм от множества болезней. Во время процедуры активизируются пять органов чувств, в результате чего снимается физическое и психологическое напряжения, обычное для современного человека.

При таком эротическом массаже в Киеве обязательно существует энергетический контакт между клиентом и массажисткой. Такое единство есть нечто большее, нежели традиционная сексуальная близость. Она подразумевает глубокую основу чистоты отношений, что есть неотъемленной частью счастливой гармоничной жизни. Девушка-массажистка салона Secret Room позволит себе эту чистоту близости и поможет Вам ощутить небесную возвышенность от нежных прикосновений, тепла и энергией обнаженных тел.

Девушка-массажистка во время сеанса тайского массажа разминает и прорабатывает все Ваше тело. В частности, уделяет большое внимание кончикам пальцев ног, где сконцентрированы точки, отвечающие за работу различных органов и систем. Ритмично разминает мышцы Вашего тела, после чего начинают получать кровоснабжение те участки, которые зачастую испытывают застои, онемения.

Такой энергетический массаж увеличивает эластичность всего тела, что способствует снятию основного физического блока. Клиент ощущает невероятную легкость, тело максимально расслабленное и пребывает в состояния покоя и комфорта.

Психологический комфорт настает в результате снятия физического напряжения и чуткой внимательности красивой массажистки. А ее сильное гармоничное тело, пластика движений и эротическая обнаженность позволяет ощутить максимальную близость и доверительную связь, которая так необходима для гармоничного равновесия.

Салон Secret Room перенесет Вас в экзотическую сказку Таиланда!